Percentage calculator
The percentage calculator takes your entries and calculates the percentages free of charge and in real time.
Your free online percentage calculator
For example, calculate discounts, taxes or percentage increases with the free percentage calculator. Simply simply enter the desired data and the results will be calculated in real time. This way you get your results quickly results without having to open the calculator.
How does the calculator work?
All 3 percentage calculators are based on the very simple formula (partial value / total value) * percent. Depending on the desired result the entered numbers are used in the formula and calculated in real time by the browser.
The calculations are done in your browser, your data is not forwarded or stored on any servers. Use this percentage calculator simply and free of charge!
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Convert your texts to upper and lower case or different formats for free. Useful for developers and anyone who writes texts.
JSON to CSV Converter
Upload a JSON file or insert the JSON text directly in the editor and convert the content into a CSV file with any separators.